After a few days rest, I ventured out onto the track this weekend, thinking that maybe the treadmill was irritating the knee. Yesterday I did 3 miles of 300m jog and 100m walk and today 4 miles of the same. This was very painful but seemed to get better as I went. Ironically, my hip seems ready to go but my knee is not happy. In talking with my PT, we think that the knee issue may have been caused from the abnormal biomechanics of my femoral head in the acetabulum, as a result of the torn labrum. These mechanics most likely were compounded by my week gluteal muscles and overactive illiopsoas and tensor fascia lata. Although, I have been working hard since surgery and improved my weaknesses, I still have issues.
I will continue on and keep working hard, while understanding that there will be bumps along the way to slow me down. Fortunately, I have been through this a few times.