Sunday Mar 21 1:00PM- 23.5 miles (2:52) Flat/Hilly- Home-Rexius-Amazon-24th Ave-Hendricks Park LP x3- Back- Headwaters TR- Ridgeline TR-to Blanton- Back (~2,500 ft. +/-)
Monday Mar 22 5:20AM- 10.5 miles (1:16) Flat- Home-Rexius-Amazon TR-24th- Camps Cemetary LP- Back
Tuesday Mar 23 5:20AM- 12 miles (1:27) Flat- Home Rexius TR- Amazon-24th Ave-Pre's Trail-Theater LP- Back (AV 7:15) w/Lewis Taylor
Wednesday Mar 24 12:30PM- 11 miles (1:09) Amazon TR- 3M WU (7:24, 7:05, 6:57), 1M w/8x stride (6:09), 3x 2M- 5:59, 5:49 (11:48) 2:34 Rec., 5:45, 5:47 (11:32) 2:42 Rec., 5:49, 5:49 (11:38), 1M Warm Down (6:47). Wore the Pearl Izumi Streak XC with an extra insert....which seemed to work well. Had to cut warm down short and rush to the my massage appointment. Great day with 72 degrees for the workout.
Thursday Mar 25 5:20AM- 9.5 miles (1:08) Home- Rexius TR- Amazon TR-24th Ave- Campus Cemetary LP- Back w/Lewis Taylor. (AV 7:15) Hip Flexor sore/tight
Friday Mar 26- Off (Rest) Decided to give the hip flexor a break and get a bit ahead of it.
Saturday Mar 27- 29.5 miles (3:17:44)- Shot Gun Creek 50k Race- Marcola, Oregon- 1st place CR, Mostly long ups/downs on gravel and paved logging roads with 3-4 miles of steep muddy sections. The RD forgot to mark a section of the course at the top, resulting in a shorten course. (More to come in a race report). Ran hard and trashed the legs. Good effort.
Weekly Total- 96 miles